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House Rules
House Rules & Clubhouse Hours
Revised – 06/18/2024
House Rules: House Rules apply to all persons, both San Juan Island Yacht Club (SJIYC) members and non-members, while using the clubhouse. All rules are subject to change upon recommendation of the Commodore and approval by the Board of Trustees.
Clubhouse Hours: Hours of operation of the clubhouse will be posted outside the main entrance and on the Club website.
Postings: Notices or advertisements posted or circulated in the clubhouse or on the website are limited to those pertaining to Club affairs or events. Any other postings require the approval of a Flag Officer or the Club Manager. Any postings deemed offensive or inappropriate may be removed without notice.
Visitors: The SJIYC clubhouse is for the exclusive use and enjoyment of the members. However, visitors in the following categories are welcome in the clubhouse during most hours of operation, with certain restrictions per State liquor laws.
Reciprocal Visitors: The Club maintains reciprocal relationships with other bona fide, licensed yacht clubs whereby our members and the members of such reciprocal clubs may use each other’s clubhouses and/or moorage facilities on an occasional basis when visiting. The reciprocal privilege is only available to persons who n
either reside on San Juan Island (or smaller islands in the San Juan Island voting district) nor regularly moor their boats on San Juan Island for at least 60 days per year
. A maximum of four visits per year is permitted, unless a greater number of visits is granted to SJIYC members by the reciprocating club. (ref WAC 314-40-40(4))
Guests: SJIYC members may use the Club facilities to entertain friends and visitors and/or to introduce new people who may have an interest in joining our Club. Members should use discretion in exercising this privilege and avoid inviting a large number of guests at any one time. Pre-approval of the Club Manager is required in order to invite more than six guests at one time. Also, members should avoid sponsoring frequent and repeated visits by any particular guest or guests; by state law, this privilege may not be used as a substitute for membership. Any particular guest is limited to a maximum of six visits per year, regardless of how many Members invite them. (ref WAC 314-40-40(2))
Rental Guests: The clubhouse may be rented for non-Club activities. Rental customers and their guests are subject to the same house rules as members. (ref WAC 314-40-010)
Clubhouse Admission: SJIYC members shall guide all guests and visiting members of reciprocal yacht clubs and their guests through the following registration process by:
Reciprocal Visitors: Upon entering the clubhouse, visiting members of reciprocal yacht clubs are required to present their club membership card to the Club Manager, bartender, or to a designated SJIYC member for approval. Each visitor must then sign the registration sheet and be issued a reciprocal badge showing their name and yacht club. This badge (nametag) must be worn in order for the reciprocal visitor to remain in the clubhouse and be served food or beverages.
Guests: Host members shall sign their guest(s) into the guest registration book and prepare a nametag for each guest hosted, showing their name and the host’s name. Guests are required to wear the guest badges while visiting our facility. The sponsoring host member must accompany the guest and be responsible for the guest’s conduct and obligations while visiting the clubhouse. The guest may not remain in the clubhouse if the sponsoring member leaves the premises for any reason.
Membership Cards: Members shall not lend their membership cards to non-members or allow the use of clubhouse facilities in their name.
Attire: With respect to attire, propriety is the rule, i.e. swimsuits, shirtless attire, and bare feet are never appropriate.
Bar & Lounge: The Club will fully comply with state liquor laws. The lounge area is restricted at all times to use by persons 21 years of age or older. All persons tending bar or any Club official may demand identity cards to establish the age of persons drinking or seeking to drink alcoholic beverages.
Youth: Persons under the age of eighteen shall be accompanied by and under the close supervision of an adult at all times.
Conduct: All persons in our clubhouse shall observe proper conduct and decorum and shall respect other members’ and guests’ use and enjoyment of the clubhouse. Members or employees assigned to bar service will refuse to serve alcoholic beverages to anyone when, in their opinion, such person is intoxicated. Activities that bring the Club into disrepute or interrupt the harmony of the clubhouse are prohibited; disturbances will not be tolerated. In the event a person is guilty of a breach of the rules of conduct, it shall be the duty of any Flag Officer, or the Club Manager if no Flag Officer is present, to immediately request that said person or persons leave the premises.
Pets: Pets are prohibited in the dining room, bar, and galley at all times. Pets may be on the deck if leashed or crated and under the control of the owner. (ref WAC 246-215-06570)
Observed Violations: Members observing violations of these House Rules should report their observations or concerns to a Flag Officer, or to the Club Manager if no Flag Officer is present. Members should not take it on themselves to intervene and/or confront a member or guest whom they consider to be in violation of these House Rules.